Preparing documents . . .

Swiss PRO
  • Government of the Republic of Serbia
  • The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM)

News / Actualities

Belgrade, 12 September 2019

The SCTM Announced the Public Call for Providing the Municipal Support Packages

The Support Packages for local self-governments include provision of expert support and professional knowledge through training, mentorship, advisory support and support to the improvement of existing or development of new procedures and acts in local self-governments, in line with the developed models and best practices.

Belgrade, 19 August 2019

Deadline for Submission of Applications for Support to Local Self Governments for Improving e-Government Extended

The Government of Switzerland through this call will support up to 40 local self-governments with EUR 350,000 to introduce or upgrade eGovernment and eServices, thus increasing accountability, transparency and efficiency in ensuring better access to services and rights for both the citizens and the economy.

Belgrade, 8 July 2019

The Swiss Government Supports Improving E−Government at Local Level

Swiss PRO Programme published a public call to support local self-government units (LSGs) to improve eGovernment and provide eServices with an aim to increase accountability, transparency and efficiency in providing better access to services and citizens’ rights. The Government of Switzerland through Swiss PRO will support...

Belgrade, 1 July 2019

Progress in introduction of e-Government in Serbia; local self-governments still have a lot to do

Birth registries were transferred into electronic format and shifted into the Government’s Central Server in even 90% of the local self-government units (LSUs) in Serbia. In the next period, a great number of LSUs will work on improving e-Services rendered to citizens.