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Swiss PRO
  • Government of the Republic of Serbia
  • The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM)

News / Success Stories

Move on for better social inclusion of young people from Raska

  • Raška, 19 March 2021

Through the Swiss PRO Programme, the Government of Switzerland supported eight local governments to implement social innovative projects in partnership with CSOs aimed at enhancing access to the rights and fulfillment of the needs of citizens from the excluded groups, ensuring their improved social inclusion.

Within the Swiss PRO Programme, the Raška Municipality in partnership with the Association for Helping Persons with Disabilities implemented the project "MOVE ON!" with the aim to empower vulnerable groups through various training for gaining specific working skills and on-the-job training.

"Move on and gain a new experience", the message is that Aleksandar Bjelic from Raska sends to everyone who wants better work and social inclusion.

Watch the video about the experiences of other participants in the project on this link.