Preparing documents . . .
With funds worth 420,000 EUR the Government of Switzerland will, through the Swiss PRO Programme, support civil society organizations (CSOs) and local self-governments (LSGs) to initiate and implement social innovation projects directed at the needs of vulnerable groups and their social inclusion. Through the public calls, open until 3 August 2018, CSOs may obtain grants for realizing “new ideas fit for community”, which is also the motto of the calls, while selected LSGs will first receive technical support and then the funds for implementing projects, in partnership with the civil sector.
CSOs with proven experience in implementing the projects directed at vulnerable groups have the right to participate in the public call, intended for the civil sector. These organisations must be registered for at least one year with the seat in one of 99 LSGs included in the Programme. Social protection services require a license and at least two years of experience in service provision. The Programme will support up to 25 organisations for implementing projects worth a minimum of 10,000 EUR up to a maximum of 14,000 EUR.
The right to participate in the public call intended for strengthening the capacities of LSGs can be exercised by municipalities and cities from the Programme’s territory, which belong to the Groups III and IV by the level of development. The Programme will provide technical support for up to ten LSGs, for improving local policies and procedures for more responsible and transparent financing of projects of public interest implemented by CSOs.
More information about the Call, the criteria for user selection, the manner of applying as well as application documentation is available at competitions/public calls.
In order to present the details of the support Programme to the interested institutions and organisations – from the application and participation in the public call via the project selection criteria to receiving grants, the Swiss PRO Programme will organise information sessions throughout the country in the period from 25 June 2018 to 5 July 2018.
Information sessions about public calls for social innovation projects