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Swiss PRO
  • Government of the Republic of Serbia
  • The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM)

News / Actualities

New eServices Presented to Citizens of Zaječar

  • Zaječar, 29 October 2021

Citizens of Zaječar will soon be able to use nine new electronic services developed by the city administration with the support of the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss PRO Programme and in cooperation with the Office for Information Technology and eGovernment.

In the city square, the benefits of using electronic services at the local level were presented to the citizens, and during the promotion organised within the campaign “Let’s Click Together” they were explained how they can access the eGovernment portal, register and start one of the eServices.

More than 290 citizens of Zaječar took the opportunity to assess how much are informed about the eServices.

"I must express my great satisfaction with the Government of Switzerland and the Swiss PRO Programme for having selected our local government to be part of the campaign for electronic services. We expect that this will be a great opportunity to improve communication between citizens and the city administration and that everything will be done in a much easier and more transparent way. I believe that there will be an initial run-in among citizens in the use of new eServices, but it will be much easier for them to get the information and documents they need" said Vladimir Videnović, Deputy Mayor of Zaječar.

Through the eGovernment portal, the residents of Zaječar will soon be able to submit a request for salary compensation for maternity leave, compensation for in vitro fertilization or the issuance of location information, report a communal problem or submit petitions to the communal, traffic and environmental inspection. In addition, some of the new eServices that will be available to the residents of Zaječar are also to submit an objection to the draft planning document as well as to a decision on the development of a planning document during a public inspection.

"Zaječar is one of the 35 local self-governments which has established new eServices with the technical and financial support of the Government of Switzerland, through the Swiss PRO Programme. The activities have been carried out in cooperation with the Office for Information Technology and Electronic Administration, and our goal is for the citizens of Zaječar to receive certain services from the competence of local self-government quickly and easily, without having to queue and without additional costs" said Maida Jusufović, Swiss PRO Programme Officer for Good Governance and Gender Equality.

This event is a part of the campaign “Let’s Click Together” organised by the Programme “Enhancing Good Governance and Social Inclusion for Municipal Development – Swiss PRO“, supported by the Government of Switzerland in cooperation with the Government of Serbia, and implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in partnership with the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM).