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Swiss PRO
  • Government of the Republic of Serbia
  • The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  • Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM)

News / Actualities

Assessment of E-Government at a Local Level as a Step Towards its Improvement

  • Belgrade, 7 September 2018

The Swiss PRO Programme initiated the assessment and analysis of the current state of electronic government (e-Government) at a local level, and the application of the findings will contribute to the improved efficiency of the work of e-Government in providing services to citizens.

The assessment and analysis of the state of e-Government will be conducted on a representative sample of 60 local self-government units in Serbia. This analysis will deal with the functioning of e-Government services at a local level, availability and quality of e-Services for the widest range of users, existing information and other capacities of towns and municipalities for providing and using e-Services, as well as the existence of tools for citizen participation in the decision-making process.

This is the first comprehensive survey about the assessment of the current state of e-Government in Serbia and represents an important step on the way towards achieving efficient local self-government serving citizens. Every town or municipality included in this survey will also get a mini action plan with clear guidelines for further improvements and investments in the area of e-Government and in line with legal regulations and deadlines.

The survey results will be published in March 2019 and will be the basis for planning technical support and the allocation of grants to towns and municipalities with the aim of improving the e-Government, which will be implemented by the Swiss PRO Programme.

If you would like your local self-government to participate in this survey, you can contact us until 1st October 2018 at